#classroombookaday UPDATE: Do You See What I See?

So before I even say anything, let me show you a picture. 🙂

Screenshot 2017-09-23 09.30.04

Do you see the BIG GIANT thing that happened this week in our #classroombookaday challenge??  WE HIT OUR 100TH BOOK!!  WOOHOO!!

I went back to look and it seems like we hit that mark about week 5 last year (not that it matters, but somehow I’m competitive even with myself!), so we’re a week or so off (this was our 6th week of school).  Regardless of when it happens, though, it seems like such a GREAT accomplishment to have been able to share so many amazing books with these first grade kiddos (and SO MANY words and SO MANY great conversations, too!).  Let me show you what we added this week. 🙂

Wow, right?  15 books is pretty good, I’d say, but didn’t have time for all the ones Ms. Turken and I really want to read (and actually we read more than this but the rule is that we can only hang it up if BOTH of our classes get to hear it).  We had several things happen this week that impacted these choices:

  1. Our class focus was on the Robinson Expected Behavior of being kind and caring.  We also talked about being considerate and responsible for our choices.  I love the line in that book We Can Get Along that says “I can choose to walk away, my choices BELONG TO ME.”  It’s so important that kiddos know and understand that they need to OWN their behavior, that THEY are in control of their choices and also that their choices have consequences (both good and bad ones!).  Do Unto Otters was so great, too, as there are so many practical examples of what it looks like when we think of others before ourselves.  And not to leave the other one out, What Does it Mean to Be Kind? was a great one for littles because it’s just so simple: this is kindness and this is not.  Nerdy Birdy was shared with us by Ms. Cohen (our counselor) when she came to talk to us this week.
  2. We are also SUPER EXCITED for a visit that Todd Parr is making to a local bookstore near us next week and we are getting ready by reading as many books of his as we can!  We have enjoyed them and even had Mrs. Sisul share one of them with us for her Principal Read Aloud this week.  LOVE that she’s involved in this journey of ours!! IMG_1368
  3.  Many first graders have gotten into the read-aloud game and sharing books with us!  This week three of Ms. Turken’s friends and our own Maddie read to us and it was so great!  What amazing readers they already are, with such expressive voices (oh and sorry, Sutton, somehow I didn’t get a picture of you 😦 )!

    4. We started new investigation in counting and organizing and so we read the funny story of the disorganized Masloppy family to set the context for our math work.

Whew!  What a busy reading week!  We’re having so much fun and enjoying so many new stories and authors.  Can’t wait to see what’s on tap for next week!  What have you been reading?  Please leave us a comment and share a great story you have enjoyed lately, or one you recommend that we read! 🙂