Video of the Day: May 28, 2015–BE THE CHANGE!!

I wasn’t even sure how to title this post, because it’s really not about me or even about the kids in Rm. 202.  It’s from May 28, for sure, but is more focused on the AMAZING work of Mrs. Puzzo and her 4th graders in Rm. 206.  They have worked pretty much the whole year with making a change in our school, our community, our world at large, after learning about social injustice.  The story is much longer than can be told here, but after reading A Friendship for Today (which actually took place in our school!), and learning more about situations closer to home (i.e. Ferguson), Rm. 206 kids wanted to do something.

I’m attaching the video they made (along with help from StLTV), as well as an invitation to you to help these friends be the change–as well as you!

First check out the video:

You can also check out what’s going on with this story on Facebook and Twitter. Get involved and please share this post with others!  Excited to see what happens when we all work together to be the change!

Pictures of the Day: May 27, 2015–FIELD DAY!!

This one is probably best described with a slide show.  The day was so full of fun and activities that I took lots and lots of pictures.  We had a great time moving and grooving with our Learning Buddies.  Even though it was raining, Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Manees planned an AMAZING indoor field day for us all to enjoy.  THANK YOU!!!

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Pictures of the Day: May 26, 2015 (a little late….)

Yes, I know it is June 22.  Just go with me here, ok? 🙂

There was only one (ok, well, two) pictures that we could have chosen to celebrate this day.  And they had to involve this handsome fella:


Our dear friend Diego had been gone from us for a while, and this was his first day back. We were over the moon to see him again before summer break started!!


See? Us over the moon that our friend came home. 🙂 (And ok, maybe we were a little excited that there were only 3 days left until summer break…)

Pictures (and Video!) of the Day: May 22, 2015–SPRING SING EDITION!

Pics are all related to the Spring Sing today. 🙂   

Say Cheese!! Just before we went to get into our riser lines. Such a handsome bunch!! 🙂

C.J. have made selfies a tradition for special events lately. This one was too special not to share. :0

First Grade Selfie on the back to class after a successful Spring Sing!

And here’s the video: I would love to share both of the songs our amazing firsties sang, but I also wanted to enjoy it (rather than just watching through a tiny screen as I recorded it, you know?).  So here’s the first one: Down By the Bay.  And boy is it great!!  These kids are TALENTED!!

Picture of the Day: May 21, 2015

This was another day when I wasn’t at school, so my picture is related to after school instead. Ok, and I guess it’s really a logo, not a picture, but it’s this:

Screen Shot 2015-05-22 at 8.35.06 PMLast night was Robinson Night at the Magic House, and it was super fun!  I didn’t see a ton of kids there, but the ones that I did see (including my own!) had a great time!  Ok, and even though this little cutie pie is not a part of Rm. 202 officially, she is a part of me, so indulge me for a minute. Please?  It’s super cute. I promise. 🙂

Pictures of the Day: May 20, 2015

Wednesday was a busy day at school. What were we busy doing? Hanging up all those posters I showed you yesterday:

It’s funny, I look at that picture now and all I can ask myself is “Why didn’t you move that silly recycle bin?” Hee hee

And then this happened while we were in the library after all of our poster hanging:  Cute, right? Used by a teacher on our Facebook page as our countdown for “5 days.” Love. 🙂

Pictures of the Day: May 19, 2015

I REALLY want to show you the WHOLE thing about this project, but instead I’ll just show you two pictures as a tease for a later story.  They’re the pictures of the day for today, but they’ve been in the works since last week at this time.  And you know, I think I’m just going to let you wonder.  To let the pictures speak for themselves and see what happens….:)


Picture of the Day: May 15, 2015

I have taken SO MANY PICTURES this week.  Ok, so that’s true about every week, and every day it’s hard to choose just 1 (or 10) to post.

Today I have just one:

To me, there are probably a thousand things that this picture says about Rm. 202 friends.  Here are a few that I’ll mention:

  • See that awesome artwork up there?  Came from the art room yesterday and we HAD to share it rather than send it right home. 🙂
  • It’s crazy amazing that that bulletin board is still up!  I remember hanging it before school started, and, like every year, I had huge dreams of it being a place to share kid work and celebrate our accomplishments and growth throughout the year.  AND IT ACTUALLY WORKED!   I’m not sure why–maybe 1st graders just make more “stuff” to hang and share then big kids–or maybe I was just more motivated to make it work this time, but whatever the reason, I have loved watching it change and seeing kid work on it all. year. long.
  • I love how Learn. Create. Collaborate. really did become our theme and drove so much of what we did this year.
  • Oh, and do you see how neat the shelf and the floor are?  That makes me smile. 🙂