The Kooky Teacher

Welcome to our blog!  I am Mrs. Bearden and this is my 22nd year at Robinson! I have been here since the fall of 2000 and have taught at many different grade levels.  I love what I do and look forward to coming to school!
My belief as an educator is that in each child there is infinite potential to learn and become the best version of themselves they can be! I believe it is my job to foster a love of learning and help children create knowledge for themselves by providing them with learning experiences and an environment in which they can explore and make connections. In my class you will see kids talking, moving, working together, making choices and trying new things. I LOVE to be in the classroom, learning right alongside my students!
On a personal note, I have been married to Mr. Bearden, Grant, for almost 25 years. We have a 14YO son, Riley (who is in 10th grade) and an 11YO daughter named Allison (who goes to Nipher, too, and is in 4th grade). Mr. Bearden is a teacher, too, and teaches 6th grade in Maplewood-Richmond Heights School District. We live in South City and LOVE IT.  We love to spend time together as a family, doing just about anything! Since we’ve moved to this house we can walk to so many places and enjoy being outside together!
  • I have known my husband since we were in high school (I was 15!)
  • I went to Australia and New Zealand in 1995.
  • I drink Diet Dr. Pepper every day (I think I might be addicted!)!  **UPDATE–it has been since Nov 2017 since I’ve had ANY soda and it feels so great!!** 
  • I drink LOTS OF COFFEE now instead. πŸ™‚
  • I LOVE to write and teach kiddos (or anyone else who will listen) about being a writer.
  • I am a big fan of action movies–thanks to Mr. Bearden.
  • Someday I hope to move to Florida.  I could live at Disney World, I think.  Maybe when I’m retired from teaching I could work there. πŸ™‚
  • I grew up in North County (went to Hazelwood and Ferguson-Florissant schools).
  • I have 1 brother. He is 5 years younger than me and is a teacher, too!
  • I love to read, but I like to write more.
  • I used to play the alto clarinet, flute, piccolo and viola.  I wish I had learned to play the piano. Want to teach me? πŸ™‚
  • I am an aunt to Lucy, Landon, Cohen and Anna Kate.  They are cutie pies!
  • I might be addicted to blogs–reading them and writing them!
  • I love to bake!  I spend a lot of time in the kitchen baking muffins and other yummy stuff.  I recently got interested in decorated sugar cookies and also love to try to make “regular” baked goods more healthy.  Allie will tell you that mommy is the baker and daddy is the chef in our family.  This is a little funny because Baker was my maiden name. πŸ™‚
  • I like to try new things.
  • I love things to be clean and organized.  If you’re my student, you should expect to help me keep the classroom that way. πŸ™‚  (But my family may be confused by this statement because it doesn’t always translate to my house!)
  • We just got a new puppy!! It was a total surprise (at least to me and the kids) and we chalk it up to another of those unexpected things that 2020 brought.  This one was at least positive!  She’s a Boston Terrier and her name is Bailey and she’s ADORABLE!

9 thoughts on “The Kooky Teacher

  1. Mrs Bearden and class,
    5SK has been working through a booklet called ‘Daily Maths Review’. It is very similar to the Excel books where this a wide variety of math questions that are completed in a short period of time. We have really enjoyed completing the tasks each day as they are quick and fun.

    One area that we have trouble with is the currency. As it is an American book the money is different to ours. We are able to add up the notes as we can see the value easily. The coins are a bit tricky as they are not as easy to distinguish.

    Can you help us by explaining how your money is divided up into notes and coins?
    Mrs S and 5SK

    • Absolutely! What a great question! We’re going to work on this today during our math time, and will send what we come up with. Thanks for the challenge!

  2. Hello mrs. Bearden,
    I didn’t know that you played that many instruments! To think I am in your class and didn’t know that! That’s amazing! Also I am glad that you posted a picture of the pyrimaid that we did in PE. I didn’t know what we all looked like together! πŸ™‚

    • Grace,
      It’s funny–I guess I don’t really talk about it, do I? I don’t play them anymore, and I am sad about that. I still sing (I don’t know if I mentioned that on there), but I wish I’d have stuck with at least one instrument. Playing in an orchestra is an amazing feeling!

      Mrs. Bearden

  3. Mrs. Bearden,
    You should sing in front of the whole class! Not really, but I would like to see you sing some time. Did Alison like the video of me dancing at the beginning of the year to “Price Tag” by Jessie Jay? I hope she did! Have a great day! πŸ™‚

  4. Pingback: Classroom Blogs | slm508jmr

  5. Loved reading about you and this blog! Found some common ground as well- – I, too, grew up in North County. My parents still live four houses down from Fritz’s/the tennis courts on St. Catherine. My husband grew up in South City! There is a crew of Krussel cousins that go to Maplewood/Richmond Heights so Mr. Bearden may meet them as well! And I, too, have known Mr. Krussel since high school.

    I really enjoyed exploring your blog. Looking forward to reading more posts in the future!

    • Wow!! I love how this happens all the time in St. Louis–such a small world! My parents still live right there, but on St. Joseph now. I will have to ask Mr. B about Krussels from MRH. Would love to talk about this more!! Glad to get to spend time with your family this year and make more connections with you all!

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