3rd Grade Phonics

I am sure by now you know that we practice phonics every day in 3rd grade. Last year we began an official program to help all grades K-5 standardize and tighten up their phonics instruction. The program we are now using is called Sunday, and it has five basic parts. Every day kiddos read sounds, write sounds, read words, write words and then learn some new material. Every 5th lesson we have a Mastery Check and kiddos show how they can transfer the lessons they are learning into new situations. Are you ready to see what it looks and sounds like? Here we go!

First we read sounds and write sounds. These are review as well as new ones we’ve learned so far in 3rd grade.

Reading and writing sounds

Next we read words (and a few sentences).

Reading words
Reading Sentences

Next we write words. These words include sounds we’ve learned together as well as sight words that we have practiced.

Writing words

After we review, then we learn something new. In this lesson, students are introduced to two new sets of sounds that come after a short vowel at the end of a word. I know it sounds funny, but I do not remember learning this as a child! At least not the “why” of them and/or how to use them. That’s one of the things I love about what we’re doing here: talking to kiddos about what to do as well as the reason why they should do it! Makes it so much easier to apply a “rule” if you know why!

New material: ff, ss, zz, ll

We learned how ff, ss, zz, and ll are double letters after a short vowel!

More new material: -ck

Did you know that -ck is the /k/ at the end of a word after a short vowel? We do now!

I love this hard thinking and work we do every day with phonics! I love that we start with it, as it allows us so many opportunities to practice and apply the new learning throughout the day as readers and writers!

We are learning so many new things about how sounds and words work. What do you remember about phonics?

What's on your mind?