3rd Grade Assemblies

We have a new thing this year–grade level assemblies! Each day a grade level starts their day with Dr. O and Dr. A learning about new things and celebrating the amazing things our kiddos are doing every day. So far we have had a lesson on bullying and most recently we started talking about Growth Mindset, and how this connects to mistakes and new learning. Here is the video we watched:

Next week we will start to set goals as a grade level and students will choose something to work towards. What a great way to start our days and help students focus on the important things!

Perhaps the best part of our assemblies, though, is the end, when Vision Tickets are pulled, and kiddos earn prizes!! Vision Tickets are rewards kiddos can earn as they show that they are WISE learners (Welcoming, Inclusive, Safe and Equitable). I’m sure many of you have already gotten phone calls about your kiddo showing these responsible behaviors!!

This week TWO of our friends got to spin the wheel!! Way to go Carter and Reed!

What's on your mind?